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Officials Application & Ref Clinic Entry

Parents on Roster

Parents who desire to assist their team with officiating duties: Line judge, scorekeeping, R2, need to take Safe Sport Clinic in addition to the officiating clinic required.  If they are in a coaching role, they will also need to take IMPACT.  

Non coaching roles can be listed as Chaperone or manager. 

For safe sport: 

Member logs into their account in SportsEngine they should go to the navigation menu, click USAV clinics and select USAV coaching clinics. 
This is where they can select SafeSport on-Demand two season certification.  Complete the registration. 

To access the course work they just need to log into the Academy by clicking the red USAV button.  The course will be available to take. 

Once all 3 lessons have been completed their member record will automatically update in SportsEngine. 

If you have any questions about the Palmetto Region Officials Program, please contact our Officials Chairperson, at

Indoor Rules Book

The Indoor Rules Book and Guidelines are posted and can be reached at the link below.  Also at this location are two documents – Prosthetic Limb 2021 Rules Decision and 2021-2023 Significant USAV Rules Modification and Clarifications.  These are located under Indoor Critical Rules and Interpretations.